


OK!  It's time for an update, I will be reconstructing

Version 0.1(getting closer)


About me


Take a look at my beautiful girlfriend she needs to gain a little weight.

I just GRADUATED from with a degree in Civil Engineering


In my spare time

  • Right now
  • My family owns some property in Southeastern Oklahoma we call "The Canyon".
  • Rock Climbing, I love to climb anytime I can. Although the Oklahoma weather does not always cooperate.
  • I am a climbing instructor for OSU Outdoor Adventure.
  • Working on my hompage, as you can see it could use some more time.
  • Come see my climbing archive (I am adding more and more).

I am also the Game Master for a MERP group, if you would like to join us then let me know. Take a look at our group.

Look at the places I go on the web

This is the part of my page I am going to play with new ideas, like now I am going to mess with controls and Java stuff.

Tell me what is on your mind!

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Last updated 06/01/00 12:43 AM